Industrial, Commercial, Explosion & Horticulture Lighting
Far too often we see business losing money through poor lighting and problematic lighting design. Not only can lighting be inhibiting employee performance, sky rocketing operational expenses but at the same time it can be hazardous and a risk factor. The cost to run outdated infrastructure can be 4 times more expensive then upgrading to High Efficiency Lighting. From High Bay to Low Bay Lighting, Explosion Proof to Horticultural, or Wall Packs to Flood Lights DayBreak LED has the light you need to see your company perform at its peak. Application specific lighting choices can yield savings up to 75%. The reality is even a large scale project in the hundreds of thousands can see a return on investment in as little as 12-24 months.
Contact one of our lighting professionals today to analyze your lighting needs.
Did you know?
Did you know that the shape and intensity of your light can be as important as the wattage?
With LED lighting there are thousands of optic choices that can pinpoint light where it is needed or waste it? With the us of photometric studies, floor plans, use of the natural light, controls and design can increase the efficiency of your lighting fixtures by more than 50%